How to Get a Movie on Netflix

A helpful guide the title of which we’d like to add one word because even the best laid plans of writers and their minions sometimes don’t work. That word, which our lawyers also have suggested, is “Maybe.” Good luck!

 by Matt Jacobs
via Filmmaking Lifestyle

Nowadays, more and more people spend huge amounts of their time watching movies and TV shows on Netflix.

The streaming company has boomed over the years, and now it is the leading Video on Demand (VOD) site in the whole world. To date, it has over 250 million subscribers worldwide.

Many movies, TV shows, and documentaries get released on the platform by the day, and it’s showing no sign of slowing down anytime soon.

How To Get A Movie On Netflix

Seeing the coverage that Netflix has, you may want to release your movie on the popular platform.

Maybe you are a published company or an indie filmmaker who wants to reach more people, get more views, and make more money.

But you don’t have any idea about what you must do, or any steps you must take. Also, you are too intimidated to take the first step.

Well, getting your movie on Netflix is indeed time-consuming and unnerving. But it’s a decision you can’t regret because it will benefit you a great deal.

Getting Your Movie On Netflix

If you play your cards right, you can get there in a shorter time than usual, and you will increase your chances of success up a notch. If things go well, you will kill it in terms of making money.

All this will happen and at the same time, you will be gathering a massive audience for your movies.

Most likely, they will turn into your loyal customers as they will watch every movie you will release sometime in the future.

That’s what Netflix can do for you, so releasing your movie on it can be a great sales strategy. Not doing so would be unwise—your sales won’t reach their full potential.

In this article, I will give you the necessary steps you need to get your movie on Netflix….

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