How the Pros Handle Screenplay Scene Description

The way in which you write description in your teleplay or screenplay can make a huge difference in its effectiveness…and in establishing your professional level capabilities.

Our friends at Script Reader Pro have given the situation a hell of a lot of thought over the years, and we happy to pass it on:

Often screenwriters are so busy grappling with the dynamics of their story, what their protagonist wants, what pages their act breaks are falling on, etc. they forget to address the most immediate indicator of talent — writing style.

Great screenplay scene description, however, immediately communicates to your reader that your writing is at a certain level. That you haven’t just woken up one day and thought “I’m going to write a script and sell it for one million dollars!”

From the very first sentence, a reader is able to place where a writer is in terms of ability. So what you need to do is show right away that you’re someone who’s studied the craft and knows how to write first class scene description.

But before we get started with the amateur vs. pro screenwriters’ writing styles…

Just What Makes Great Screenplay Scene Description? 

One of the main aspects of great script description is its ability to put clear images in the reader’s mind of exactly what the writer wants them to see.

Clear, interesting, precise, vivid images help the reader fall deeper into the heart of the story. It draws them in by piquing their interest and making them feel they are part of a unique world — an interesting, rich and visually arresting world.

Why risk telling your story using a bland, uninspired writing style and boring your reader, when you could put a little more effort in, keep them entertained and involved in your story?

In fact, there’s so much competition out there, you don’t really have a choice. Many production companies have two recommendation boxes at the end of every coverage report — one for the script and the other for the writer.

By this they mean execution and style. So, even if your story isn’t exactly firing on all cylinders, but possesses a rocking writing style, you could still get hired to do re-write assignments.

So, let’s get started with comparing some examples of amateur and pro screenplay scene descriptions…”

Read it all at Script Reader Pro

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