There Is Something (Too) Seriously Wrong With The Way New Scripted [Fiction] TV Shows and Movies Are Made Today

by Herbie J Pilato

Everybody Mumbles And Looks The Same — Everything Is Too Edgy

I watched some new television show the other night because I always try to watch new TV shows and at least give them a chance.

But those chances are becoming far and few between because, sorry — I am simply and sadly repelled by the way some of these new shows are produced, presented and performed.

Exhibit A: What I Observed

Some dark character, on what is a dark show, was being tormented by some other dark character. And the one being tormented said something to their tormentor, though I’m not sure what — because the tormented character was grinding their teeth through every line of dialogue, amidst the scene being filmed in bleak, dingy cinematography with the constant annoying music score (i.e. “noise”!) that usually blares in the background of all new TV shows today.

So, much so, I screamed at the set, and said, “What? What are you saying?!! I can’t understand one word you’re saying…!

Read it all at Medium.Com

Writer/producer Herbie J Pilato is the host of the TV talk show THEN AGAIN WITH HERBIE J PILATO, now streaming on Amazon Prime and the author of several pop-culture/media tie-in books. He has been part of TVWriter™ for over 20 years and is Contributing Editor Emeritus. Learn more about Herbie J HERE

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