Download 50 of the Best TV Scripts

It’s hard to argue with the thinking behind this collection of fine TV writing assembled by the hard-working folk at Script Reader Pro.Com.

In fact, the best response we can have is, indeed, the one reserved for articles of the highest value to TVWriter™ visitors. In other words, our recommendation is that you download all 50 of the teleplays listed.

And then read them, dammit. Read ’em like a motherfucker!

by Script Reader Pro

Here are 50 of the best TV scripts online to download in every genre.

Just like in our post on the best screenplays to read, we’ve broken down our list of the top TV show scripts into the following categories:

  • Drama
  • Comedy
  • Action/Adventure
  • Thriller
  • Horror

If you want to learn how to write for TV, reading these TV pilot scripts is one of the best ways to help boost your writing ability. You will learn how to establish the characters in a pilot, set up the world of the show and all about TV pilot structure.

Most importantly, study these TV scripts in order to discover how to create a sense of intrigue that will make a reader want to know what happens in the next episode. As you know, your script will be up against the hundreds of other TV specs out there, so it better make an impression.

The list contains examples of single-camera, multi-camera, half-hour, one-hour, network and cable pilots and TV specs, so pretty much every formatting option is also covered. So let’s dive on in with the first category….

Read it all at – you guessed it – Script Reader Pro

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