by Diana Vaccarelli
This recent episode of Outlander titled “Je Suis Prest” follows Jamie (Sam Heughan)training his men to be soldiers and fight for Bonnie Prince Charlie, while Claire (Caitriona Balfe) tries to deal with a dramatic event from her past. (I mean her future. I mean the future but still her past…oh well, if you’re a fan you know the premise, right?)
To Those Who Haven’t Viewed This Episode: Be warned. This review may contain spoilers.
- The writing of the episode by Matt B. Roberts brings us both humor and drama. The delves into post traumatic stress with Claire having to deal with her time as a combat Nurse during WW II. The humor comes from bringing back our favorite duo of Rupert (Grant O’Rourke) and Angus (Stephen Walters). How these two are written brings back the old days of Laurel and Hardy. The humor in this episode breaks up the seriousness of preparing for impending war. There is one scene with Jamie and Claire when he comes back from a mission and tells her he was on a commando raid. It made me giggle.
- Caitriona Balfe gives her all with this performance as we witness Claire deal with PTSD. She gives everything in this episode and you feel as if you are going through it yourself. Sam Heughan delivers perfectly as Jamie. You’d want to go to war for him.
- There is not one thing I didn’t like about this episode. It made me laugh and tear up all at the same time.
Outlander is amazing! It should be on everyone’s must watch list!
Happy TV Watching!
Diana Vaccarelli is the TVWriter™ Critic-at-Large and, in case you haven’t noticed, a HUGE Outlander fan. Learn more about her HERE