The Rules of Joke Court

Our not-so-tame Saskatchewanian, Anil, has spent his entire L.A. lifetime in the local comedy club scene. Time now for a short report on  what he’s learned:

by Anil

To save aspiring comedians and comedy writers a lifetime of awkward silence from their sensitive comedy brethren, TVWriter.Com presents the simple rules for navigating the minefield of Joke Court. Take these rules to work-out rooms, smokey patios and dive restaurants full of funny people assured justice will always be served. read article

Dan sees THE HOBBIT trailer…

by Dan D

…And is giddy — GIDDY!! I tell you — with excitement.

A few things:

I saw this at The Grove theater in L.A., and the quality of the full theater image is simply breathtaking. Word is it was filmed at 60fps and scaled down to 48fps — it seems normal humans can’t even process 60fps. read article


Time now for the pithy sayings of Dan D., TVWriter™’s very own millionaire playboy software superhero, now living in L.A. because – you guessed it – he’s a hell of a writer as well.

This is Aaron Sorkin’s third attempt at a TV show about a TV show.

First, there was SPORTS NIGHT. read article

Robin Reed: All Those Screens

robin reed cartoon
Like all millenials, Jayden never has to worry about being bored


by Anil Sthankiya

I look forward to ignoring this film on the History Channel.