Dan sees THE HOBBIT trailer…

by Dan D

…And is giddy — GIDDY!! I tell you — with excitement.

A few things:

I saw this at The Grove theater in L.A., and the quality of the full theater image is simply breathtaking. Word is it was filmed at 60fps and scaled down to 48fps — it seems normal humans can’t even process 60fps.

When I first heard about this film, I was disappointed that Ian Holm couldn’t play Bilbo, he’s just too darn old. For some reason Sir Ian nailed the character of Bilbo for me. Bilbo had always been one of my favorite characters. A quietly sly little fellow… and for some reason Holm nailed that quality on the big screen.  But even though young Bilbo will be played by Martin Freeman, Sir Ian will reprise the older Bilbo once again.

And lastly as a rule, I HATE previews, but I am tempted to go back to the theater and sit through the lackluster BRAVE again, just to rewatch this one. Because, like Sir Ian did for Bilbo, this brief collection of sounds and images holds a promise of capturing one of my favorite novels on the big screen as well as I had imagined it.

Imagine that.

Check  it out now!

3 thoughts on “Dan sees THE HOBBIT trailer…”

  1. You can process 60fps, but it looks “fake,” because the speed we usually take in video at is much slower.

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