The Making of a SciFy Franchise – #22
by Aaron Walker Sr.
(EDITOR’S NOTE: The Story So Far starts HERE)
On our last blog, we talked about the alternative content we are working on for the Cargo 3120 project. While we are not abandoning the webcomic, we felt it necessary to work on website content that we can push out sooner to our readers. Like Daymond said, the goal was always to present our story to the world in whatever format that we could. Adding the short story and the audiobook allows us to give our readers an immersive experience we feel they will enjoy.
The goal is to tell the same story in three formats, giving our audience a chance to read it (short story), hear it (audiobook), and eventually, see it (webcomic). This approach also gives those who may not be comic fans a chance to enjoy the story as well. And I speak for all of Team Cargo when I say: We are excited about the future of Cargo 3120!
But change can be exciting and challenging. Having worked almost exclusively on screenplays in recent years, I never really had the chance to explore the nuances of the universe we were trying to create. Script writing is about describing what is seen and heard in as few words as possible, while keeping your page counts in check. Having the chance to now expose more of our universe in ways that wouldn’t have been possible in other formats, has been both fun and rewarding.
As of this writing the initial draft of what will be the first of our series of Cargo 3120 short stories is now complete. Our goal is to release the first story on our website this summer. Later this month, we’ll be releasing an update to ourMilitant Forces and Factions page. For this update we’ll be spotlighting one of the largest galactic terrorist organizations in the Cargo 3120 universe: Orion’s Shield. We hope you’ll stop by our website and check it out