The perfect script writing tip, found right here on the interwebs, accidentally, no less. Seeing this blog post, first published in 2012, makes this TVWriter™ minion believe in destiny. (Which in itself is a kind of perfect ending, yeah?)
by Dan Bronzite
Yep, they can make it – and they can break it! In one fell swoop you have to tie-up any loose ends and satisfy an audience’s expectation. Not an easy task, right? Absolutely not. In fact, as a working screenwriter I have found writing a satisfying ending to be one of the hardest parts of the creative writing process.
Don’t get me wrong, I can write endings. I can write all types of endings. Endings with a final climactic showdown between the hero and villain. Endings with a witty line that leaves the audience with a smile. Endings with a sad yet uplifting tone. I can write endings in my sleep.. but that doesn’t mean they are always going to be the best ending for the story. Perfection is hard to attain. We all try to create the perfect scene, the perfect witty banter, the perfect character arc and the perfect ending, but linking all of this together is complicated. We have to fulfill expectations on so many levels and at the same time make it original and entertaining.
And things get even more difficult when you’re trying to please a producer, director and development executive because everybody has their own ideas of what needs to transpire in the closing moments of your movie….