It’s a bad day in Mumbai, but not all that different from conditions right here at home in beautiful Beverly Hills. What’s a writer to do?
Film writers’ body on pen-down strike
by Maharashtra
The Film Writers Association (FWA) on Saturday declared a ‘pen-down’ strike and called for action to association members and writing community at large.
Every five years, the Federation of Western India Cine Employees (FWICE) signs a MoU with the producers’ bodies to ensure a wage-increase and improved conditions for workers. This year FWA and other talent-based unions including cinematographers, editors, art directors, sound recordists, etc, have decided to make the standards contract a part of this MoU.
The standards contracts includes clauses about working hours, basic pay, accountability of the producer, etc. This dynamic contract was presented to the Producers’ association in February this year and has still not been signed.
“We want our basic rights, we are not asking for anything over what we are due. The industry has a feudalistic mindset, it’s as though they say be grateful we are the ones that give you work. No one has even acknowledged the receipt of the contract let alone sign it and I have sent dozens of reminders,” says Kamlesh Pandey, general secretary, FWA, and president, FWICE.
The strike calls for writers to stop all work for TV and Film, this includes avoiding writing at home, attending meetings with production houses and working on ideas.