munchman: Why KNIFEMAN Won’t Work

Yeah, KNIFEMAN. Produced/Directed by David Cronenberg. Starring Tim Roth. No network specified yet.


  • It stars Tim Roth
  • Tim Roth will take over the show the way he did LIE TO ME
  • Tim Roth will make David Cronenberg’s life a living, needle-faced hell (or he would if Cronenberg didn’t have a million other projects to work on and care about more)
  • Even if Cronenberg stays strong/involved Tim Roth won’t leave the trailer unless he gets his way (you don’t want to see his midget tantrums, really)

There is, however, one way to save this show:

  • Make Tim Roth’s character the villain but don’t tell him (because the only way an audience can root for Tim Roth is if it’s rooting for his slow, merciless destruction)

Oh, that picture at the top? That’s David Cronenberg. Dude gives me nightmares w/o even yelling, “Action.” But in a good way.


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