All bibles don’t have to be holy ones, but those for television series come close, at least in the eyes of their creators. And while the executives who read them as part of their prep for green-lighting a series may make changes, they expect to see something fresh, new, exciting, and just plain impossible to turn down in their email boxes or on their desks.

Here’s some good advice on how to write your maybe-not-so-sacred manuscript so it zings.

Learn how to write a TV show bible and market your pilot like a pro
by Script Reader Pro

So you’ve got a great idea for a TV show…

Do you just write the pilot and start sending it out into the industry? Or do you first write one of those mysterious things known as a “TV show bible”?

If you want to learn how to write a series bible but are unsure what it should include, where to start or whether you need to write one in the first place, look no further.

In this post, we’ll be covering:

 What is a TV series bible?

 Do you have to write a TV show bible? And if so, when?

 TV series bible template and format

 40 TV show bible examples to download and study

And much more. So let’s dive on in!

What is a TV series bible?

A TV show bible is a 5- to 15-page document put together by a writer to help them sell their TV show.

A well-put-together TV series bible is an in-depth blueprint of the show—story world, tone, plots and characters, etc.—and how each develop during season 1 and beyond.


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