The Doctor Puppet is on a Roll

Yep, he’s traveling through space, time, and the interwebs, inundating us in universe-expanding posts:

August 26th:

I may be extremely clever but I’m still figuring Tumblr out. I just found this fantastic old post.

August 27th:

This week can’t get any better! First I got to go to the NYC Premiere and today Alisa finally surprised me with… the TARDIS!

More August 27th:

Hello new friends and thank-you so much for following me! It has been an incredible week for Alisa and me, and the TARDIS could not have arrived at a better time. We’re packing up Alisa’s art now and will be heading down to Atlanta tomorrow!

Come say hi to us in the Artists’ Bazaar where Alisa will be selling jewelry, mini robots, magnets and other wonderfully nerdy stuff. Find her at Table BT38 which is up against one of the walls. She’ll also have some larger sculptures and jewelry sets in the Art Show Auction. You can also see us in the Dragon*Con Parade on Saturday.

If you can’t make it to Dragon*Con, you can still find Alisa on Facebook, and her Etsy Shop will be will stocked with robots and jewelry in September. Thanks again!

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