Kelly Jo Brick: The Write Path With Kellie Griffin

A series of interviews with hard-working writers – by another hard-working writer!
by Kelly Jo Brick

Aspiring writers often wonder how the pros got where they are. The truth is, everyone’s story is different, but there are some common elements: dedication, Kellie Griffin photopersistence, hard work and not giving up.

A one day gig as an audience page started writer Kellie Griffin’s path that took her from receptionist to writers’ assistant to writing for House of Payne and Reed Between the Lines.


Kelly Jo Brick: The Write Path With Laurie Scheer Part 2

A series of interviews with hard working writers – by another hard-working writer!


Aspiring writers often wonder how industry pros got where they are. The truth is, everyone’s story is different, but there are some common elements: dedication, persistence and hard work.

Today we continue our visit with Laurie Scheer, a former VP of Programming for WE: Women’s Entertainment. She has worked as an assistant, d-girl, and producer for ABC, Viacom, Showtime, and AMC-Cablevision. Laurie has been an instructor at universities across the U.S. from UCLA to Yale and is currently part of the faculty at UW-Madison’s Continuing Studies Writing Department. As an advocate for writers, Laurie shares insights from her years of working with both professional and aspiring writers. read article

Kelly Jo Brick: The Write Path With Laurie Scheer

A series of interviews with hard working writers – by another hard-working writer!


by Kelly Jo Brick

Aspiring writers often wonder how industry pros got where they are. The truth is, everyone’s story is different, but there are some common elements: dedication, persistence and hard work.

Today we explore another aspect of the industry with a true advocate for writers, Laurie Scheer, a former vice president of programming for WE: Women’s Entertainment. She has worked as an assistant, d-girl, and producer for ABC, Viacom, Showtime, and AMC-Cablevision. Laurie has been an instructor at universities across the U.S. from UCLA to Yale and is currently part of the faculty at UW-Madison’s Continuing Studies Writing Department, Director of their annual Writer’s Institute and Managing Editor of the The Midwest Prairie Review Journal. read article

Love & Money Dept – TV Writing Deals for 10/7/14


Latest News About Writers Who Are Doing Better Than We Are
by munchman

  • David Bickel (THE KING OF QUEENS) is adapting Dr. Scott W. Cohen‘s book, Eat, Sleep, Poop: A Common Sense Guide To Your Baby’s First Year into a comedy series about “a celebrity pediatrician who is…revered at work but is not as good practicing what he preaches….” (There’s more to that description, but yer friendly neighborhood munchman is pretty sure you get the idea. Sigh….)
  • Kim Stanley Robinson‘s bestselling and multi-prize winning series of novels about humans transforming Mars into a world we can live on is being made into a series for Spike TV to be called RED MARS. (Who’s writing it? Damned if I know. Looks like nobody yet…so excuse me while I call my agent and tell him my personal knowledge of, um, Mars, I guess. What? You don’t think it’ll work? Me neither. But the series just might.)
  • Craig DiGregorio (WORKAHOLICS) and David King (PARKS & RECREATION) are writing the pilot for an NBC comedy series based on the 1985 movie REAL GENIUS. (Hmm, I was a munchy 2 year old when that film was made. Ain’t it great to see something contemporary and relatable coming to TV for a change? Oh, wait….)
  • Lauren Gussis (DEXTER) has a shiny new overall deal with CBS to develop broadcast and cable shows. (Congrats to Lauren! Anybody who can write both DEXTER and ONCE UPON A TIME is my hero so here’s hoping you knock ’em, uh, dead. Hey, it’s just a saying, you know?)

That’s it for now. Write in and tell munchilito what you’ve sold today. TVWriter™ can’t wait to brag to all your friends. (And, more importantly, enemies. Hehehe….)

Love & Money Dept – TV Writing Deals for 10/6/14


Latest News About Writers Who Are Doing Better Than We Are
by munchman

  • Salim & Mara Brock Akil (THE GAME) have signed a new overall deal to continue developing scripted material for BET. (Hope scripted pays better than the BET reality shows used to back in the day cuz Salim and Mara have, when you get down to it, saved the network’s butt. In fact, you might say that they’re the only reason BET still exists.)
  • Nastaran Dibai (FUNNY IN FARSI) is writing the pilot for FOLLOW YOUR HEART, an ABC comedy about love and a heart transplant. (What? You think luvable little munchikins could make something like that up?)
  • Andrew Reich & Ted Cohen (FRIENDS) are writing a CBS comedy pilot about “a big, multi-generational family.” (So if el munchero refers to this one as “generic” you won’t email your usual ton of complaints, right? Because this baby’s so fucking generic even its logline is a house brand label. Sheesh, CBS, if you’re giving up on sitcoms why not just come right out and say it?!)
  • Natalie Chaidez (HEROES) is adapting Whitley Strieber’s novel Alien Hunters into a series for SyFy. (I’d tell you more about the premise, but this is Syfy, where concept, story, characterization and just about everything else involved in the film-making process has proven itself to be absolutely irrelevant. And yet, yeppers, it’s true, the hits keep on coming. Why, oh Lord, why?)

That’s it for now. Write in and tell munchilito what you’ve sold today. TVWriter™ can’t wait to brag to all your friends. (And, more importantly, enemies. Hehehe….)