TVWriter™’s Top Posts of the Week Ending June 26th


The posts TVWriter™ visitors clicked on most during the past week were:

Richard Kimble Was Guilty read article

TVWriter™’s Top Posts of the Week Ending June 19th


The posts TVWriter™ visitors clicked on most during the past week were:

Peggy Bechko Gives Us a Peek into the Writing Life read article

Peggy Bechko: Writers And Artists Nurture Your Creativity


by Peggy Bechko

We’re coming up on the holidays… So, I thought I’d spend a little time musing about creativity and what it takes to keep that part of us pumped up, nurtured and ready to go. Some suggestions, as it were, to help the blocked, confused and wandering – also the steady writers and artists out there who might need to take a breather or find a new path.

Hopefully some of these ideas will perk you up, give you a new slant or just assure you you’re not alone.

If you’re stuck on a story or whatever you’re attempting to create – and I know you’ve all heard this, but you probably need to hear it again – for heaven’s sakes take a break. Do something mindless or that will force your conscious brain to focus elsewhere and give your subconscious a chance to free range a bit. Take a walk, shovel the drive (in winter), mow the lawn (in summer), do the ironing or maybe cook dinner. Surprise your spouse with that dinner, he or she is no doubt so used to you being so immersed in your creative work that they rarely see a decent meal. Seriously, give yourself a break, give everyone a break, unclench. read article

Peggy Bechko: Some Young Writer’s Notes

griffenby Peggy Bechko

It’s about time we talked about the kids.

Kids write too. Some quite well, others just trying their hand at the craft.

Sometimes we forget. I don’t know how many of you out there began writing at an early age, but I was about 12. Managed to write an entire novella without describing hardly a thing! Quite an accomplishment that. Thank heavens for a Godmother who read my work and pointed out that little failing. read article

Peggy Bechko: Tax Time? Already? Tax Tips for Writers

Taxes? Now? WTF?

by Peggy Bechko

2012 is gone
On to

Okay, I made it through the end of the year when I got my new computer. Yes, I actually did the techie thing (I am no techie if you’ll remember) and got the thing up and running. My brain felt like a marshmallow after, but I guess that’s par for the course from what I hear from IT people. Even downloaded printer drivers for the new Windows 8 version, installed and actually have it printing. read article