What? We Don’t Really Go to the Movies for the Stars? WTF?

Gavin Polone strikes again. Gotta love this guy’s brain:

Polone: Why There Are No Sure-Thing Movie Stars Anymore, But Hollywood Pretends There Are
by Gavin Polone

starwalkThe problem with the idea of the “movie star” is that film studios buy into it. This results in good movies not getting made because they haven’t attracted a star and bad movies going into production because they did get a big name to sign on the line that is dotted. On almost every film I have produced, the final hurdle to being green-lit was getting a studio-approved actor to say “yes.”

On several occasions, studio executives have suggested that we should reimagine and rewrite the lead character of a movie, to the detriment of the film, just so we would have a better chance of securing a star; usually this involves making that character older or younger and on occasion changing its gender or race, which inevitably undermines the story.  Studios see having a “star” in a film as an insurance policy against loss, but that’s like a policy written by a company with no capital behind it. read article

Think TV is Better Than Films These Days? You Aren’t Alone

Actually, we’ve thought it always was. But we’re weird.

Polone: The Main Reason TV Is Now Better Than Movies by Gavin Polone read article

The Most Popular TVWriter™ Status Update on Facebook

by Larry Brody

We all know that Facebook keeps an enormous amount of information on all of its users.

One of the bits FB collects is how many viewers any given status update has, and there’s even a way to find out. (No, I don’t know how to do it deliberately. I just know that whenever I go to the TVWriter™ FB page – or whatever they call those things now – it tells me how many people saw each post…and then, for purposes of comparison, I assume, it tells me how many people have seen what it says is, “your most popular post.” read article