Diana Black on Targeting Your Spec TV Script

Enjoy this cool visual metaphor found on the interwebs

 by Diana Black

Is there such a thing as, ‘The’ definitive television series? Perhaps once, in relation to narrative form and length of ‘season’. But gone are the days when series television originated solely from broadcast networks. Now thanks to Cable subscription and the Internet, not only has the viewing platform changed, but also the nature of what constitutes a ‘series’.

In other words, episodic storytelling has evolved. Does it matter? Well it kind of does – to us, as writers of content. You need to know from the outset, what ‘form’ of series you’re writing – Limited, Mini, or Regular series – because that will have a bearing on the narrative arc and on the number of episodes you envisage in your outline. If the objective is to sell it – duh, you need to determine who you’re going to pitch this ‘calling card’ to.

In relation to the narrative arc, think about what you’re trying to say, the intended media platform, and who’s likely to comprise the audience. Hazy generality won’t work here – specific tailoring is ‘mission critical’ if you expect a warm reception… unless you’re into just throwing it against the wall to see what sticks…for shame. read article