Stephanie Bourbon on Setting Realistic Writing Goals for 2021

LB’S NOTE: Stephanie Bourbon’s helpful column, originally scheduled for last week but bumped because of the shocking events on Capital Hill, presents us with much-needed  advice about a part of our lives we can, in fact, control..

by Stephanie Bourbon

Hello Dear Writers!

It’s Wednesday of the new year. It’s 2021 and a lot of things are changing this month, especially if you life in the USA. (and I am happy about that myself).

The last year has been a hard one and many people found themselves in two camps, the ones getting tons of creative things done and the ones who stopped doing much since March hit.

It is what it is and you can’t change what happened last year so if you stopped working on your creative projects, that’s okay, but this year, it’s time to make some new habits so you can finish and reach your writing dreams sooner! 

Here are some tips for you on doing just that. 

1. Always write down your goals. Writing them down helps you flesh them out but also enforces a reality that may only be in your head.

2. Post them up where you can see them. You can use a journal or what I do is hang them on the wall in front of my desk.

3. Share with others. You can share in a social media group. I have one for female writers that is FREE for any female writer and you can join it HERE. You can share with your critique group and or you can have an accountability partner or pod to share with.

Read it all at

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