LB’S NOTE: One of our fave TV writers-illustrators-screenwriters-vloggers, Stephanie Bourbon, reminds us of the importance of having great villains in our stories and how to create them.
by Stephanie Bourbon
How are you doing? I’m doing amazing and guess what? I have NO INTERNET THIS WEEK and it feels great.
At first I was like, “omg, what will I do without internet?” and then, I decided to embrace it. I still have my smart phone after all! LOL
This got me to thinking about how good it feels to disconnect sometimes. When I was traveling once a month to writing conferences I always loved the time up in the air away from all the noise of real life, thousands of emails coming in, social media (which I love but can also be emotionally draining), and life all around me. It’s nearly impossible to not check emails or social media when on the computer. When I’m on a plane I never use the WiFi and I just relax—yup, even when it’s bumpy!!
These days we can’t travel, or at least we shouldn’t until this virus is under control so there is no way to escape except just doing it for ourselves.
Let me tell you, it feels great. I have no idea what is going on. I still have my phone so it’s not like I’m really disconnected but it’s a lot closer to life in the 90s than usually.
See, we are in the middle of a move from the city to the suburbs. I love the city but where we were specifically has become dangerous in terms of crime and also the virus….