Peggy Bechko: Writers’ Resurces Deluxe Edition


by Peggy Bechko

You’re a writer, right? And I’m assuming since you’re reading this on TV Writer you’re leaning a bit more toward script writing than novel writing – or you may be doing both.

And you probably love the web for all the great resources you can find (remember what I told you in a fairly recent post about turning off your browser when you’re actually writing/working).

Regardless, presuming you’re that sensible, I’ve rounded up a few resources you can make use of. Some you may have found on your own, others, well, read on and see what I’ve dug up.

First are the obvious. Yep, there are writers’ organizations out there. Romance Writers, SciFi writers, Children’s writers, Screenwriters, Author’s Guild and yes (dare I say it) a whole bunch more. Google ‘em. You know how.

Now, on to a few that are not quite so readily apparent.

If you’re writing on a subject you’re not completely versed in you might want to visit some ‘dictionaries’.

Tech Terms for those who need to know what they’re talking about and aren’t tech professionals.

Urban Dictionary  for the latest slang and words you’re not going to find in the dictionary.

Need to use as symbol, sign, glyph or flag in your story? Then Check out

Could you use some helpful free writers’ software?

For the scriptwriter you might check out Adobe Story Scriptwriting Ap online.  Basic for free – upgrade for $9.99/mo (and no, I’m not selling it).

Word processing plus – suite – try OpenOffice. You can get it through Amazon, free.  It’s very similar to Microsoft Word, providing word processing, spreadsheets and a powerpoint like ability.

Storybook can organize the elements of your story software. It’s free download. I admit I still like to scribble on cards and sheets, but if you like to do it on the computer this might be a helpful tool.

Here’s The Literary Machine. I haven’t tried it yet, looks interesting, just stumbled on it, Free software that says it “…allows writers to compile research and writing modules that make…it easier to draw on information collected during research to write an outline or a final draft.” Hey, if you try it out, let me know what you think.

As writers we’re frequently guilty of using ‘favorite’ words to excess. If this is you and you want to check yourself try WordCounter. There’s ClichéFinder as well if you know you fall into that trap.

Memonic is an interesting and very helpful tool. It allows you to take notes online, clip from web pages. You can organize it and it’s stored online so goes where you go. It’s great for research storing; you can share it with others if collaborating, or not.

As you can see,  there’s a lot of cool stuff out there. A bit of creative searching and who knows what you might find? Just remember to do your searching during a time when you’re not supposed to be writing. Check these out in your off time and if you have anything to add don’t hesitate to post it in the comments.

Oh, and have a great writing week as well!

Peggy Bechko is a Contributing Editor to TVWriter™. You can learn more about her HERE.

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