Latest on WGAW Connect

What has our Writers Guild done for us lately?

Glad you asked because the Guild has a wonderful answer in Writers Connect, a short newsletter members get every week. (See? Another good reason to bust your butt to qualify and join.)


What to look for in For Your Consideration ads.

We’re well into pre-award season, with “For Your Consideration” ads springing up all over town. It’s a good reminder that the MBA’s agreement on credits extends to advertising and publicity as well. Though it doesn’t happen often, it’s not unheard of for a project’s print ads, web promotions, and billboards to be in violation of the credits provisions of the Theatrical and Television Basic Agreement (“MBA”). Read more >>

Ask a Mentor: Make Your Meetings Count

Jeff Nathanson answers a feature writer’s question about general meetings.

How many general meetings should feature writers take a year? Jeff Nathanson (Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales, Catch Me If You Can) says landing work from general meetings depends not on how many you go to, but on what you do when you get there.

Send your questions about the craft, job hunting, your career, or Guild service to Connect (under 100 words, please) with the subject “Mentor,” and we’ll send them to an established screen or TV writer to answer. Questions might be edited for space or clarity and will be published anonymously. Read more >>

Action Alert: We Need COVID Relief Now

With crucial aid set to expire in a week, passage of the HEROES Act is needed now more than ever.

It’s time to TAKE ACTION! The Senate has had months to pass the House’s HEROES Act and provide additional relief from the devastating impacts of the coronavirus. Write to your senators today and tell them to support critical provisions of the House’s bill, to: Read more >>

Upcoming Events

7/28 – IP, Acquiring Rights, When You Need Them and How to Get Them

RSVP. A conversation covering how and when to acquire life rights or rights to previously published material, copyright, the difference between rights of publicity and rights of privacy, and what contracts should include.

7/29 – How to Get Your First Genre Movie Made

RSVP. A discussion on best methods writers need to employ to get their first genre film written and into production. Panelists: Kay Oyegun (This Is Us), Scott Beck & Bryan Woods (A Quiet Place), and others. See the full calendar >>


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