Latest on WGAW Connect

What has our Writers Guild done for us lately?

Glad you asked because the Guild has a wonderful answer in Writers Connect, a short newsletter members get every week. (See? Another good reason to bust your butt to qualify and join.)

tips for getting staffed in a pandemic

Recently staffed writers share what has worked for them.

Without delving into platitudes about how unprecedented these times are, or debating the semantics of what constitutes the “new normal,” it’s fair to say that looking for work right now is stressful.

We reached out to a number of recently staffed writers—people who were hired after the stay-at-home orders—to get their advice on how they navigated the current staffing landscape. Here is what they had to say: Read more >>

Ask a Mentor: The Adult in the Room

Jameal Turner on what new staff writers should know about how, and when, to pitch ideas in a Zoom room.

Congrats! You’ve just landed your first TV staff job! But now that you’re “in the room,” how do you navigate the challenges of pitching your ideas in a virtual environment while still proving your worth? Mentor Jameal Turner (All American, Rosewood) explains how and when it’s appropriate for new writers to make their contributions.

Send your questions about the craft, job hunting, your career, or Guild service to Connect (under 100 words, please) with the subject “Mentor,” and we’ll send them to an established screen or TV writer to answer. Questions might be edited for space or clarity and will be published anonymously. Read more >>

upcoming events

8/25 – Wonder Women: Superhero Creators of the Silver Screen

RSVP. Join writers, directors, and producers creating the latest female-driven superhero stories for an in-depth discussion about the rise in female superheroes in blockbuster feature films.

8/25–26 – WGAW/WGF: Sublime Primetime 2020

Info/Tickets. Hosted LIVE on Zoom over two days, this year’s event will feature two panels per day (8/25: Drama & Limited Series; 8/26: Comedy & Variety). WGA members: RSVP for FREE tickets via link.

8/26 – Middle Eastern, North African Writers Committee Formation Meeting

RSVP. WGAW’s Inclusion and Equity Department has been approached by self-identifying Middle Eastern Guild members regarding the formation of a Middle Eastern, North African Writers Committee.

9/2 – Candidates Night 2020

RSVP. This year’s “virtual” election forum will be hosted online via Blue Jeans Events. Current members in good standing only. RSVP required. See the full calendar >>

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