Is It Time to Rekindle Your Passion for Writing?

Last week LB  tweeted his “secret” for regaining the thrill of writing (assuming, of course, that you’ve lost it. As is his wont, it was simple and direct:

No longer feeling the thrill of writing? Try using a yellow pad. Writing by hand changes the way your brain experiences the process. Enjoy the words flowing from your fingertips.

Sometimes, however, writers need something more, well, more philosophical. So we searched the web and found this most helpful piece on one of our fave sites, Bang2Write.Com. Hope it helps!

by Jerry Jenkins

Rekindle Your Passion

Are you slogging through your writing and feel you have no gas left in the tank?

Have you trashed everything you’ve done and find yourself back at square one?

Maybe you’re so overwhelmed that you that you can’t picture ever finishing.

Or perhaps you haven’t been able to motivate yourself to even start.

I can tell you from experience, you can rekindle your passion for writing—even when you want to quit.

Even Stephen King Wants To Quit

Ever notice that Stephen King announces his retirement almost every time he finishes writing a novel?

This from a guy who has written more than 60 novels and enjoys a net worth of over $400 million.

Yet even he comes to feel as if he’s finished, spent, unable to write another word.

I felt exactly that way after finishing one of my own novels, and I mentioned that to Stephen.

His response was priceless.

“Whatever you do,” he said, “don’t make any decisions—or worse, any announcements—right now.”

He told me he finally learned to quit going public with his retirement declarations when he realized how short-lived were his exits. “Take some time for R&R,” he said. “Think about anything but writing.”

Stephen said he would kick back, do nothing, read, watch TV, and try to keep up with the news. And then a thought would start niggling at him, eventually becoming the germ of a story idea.

It might be based on something he’d heard or read, or it might come out of nowhere.

But it triggered  what-if questions….

Read it all at

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