LB’s NOTE: Writers and other artists often tend to think of themselves as alone in the way we think and feel about, well, everything.
We’re publishing this short poem by Leslie Coff to let you know that isn’t the case. Every creative person I’ve ever known has struggled with the same issues…and I kind of like Leslie’s solution.
In fact, as we say in the writers room, “Works for me!”
by Leslie Coff
If the worst thing we can be is to not be ourselves;
If our greatest sin is despair…
If Dante could describe two souls in Purgatory as doves — then he has not yet decided that they are guilty.
If beauty can move us to tears…
If we are, none of us, perfect —
and we all understand that none of us are…
Then we are, ultimately, all together.
And as for the fire and brimstone….I, for one, will be okay.
Because I have marshmallows.
Another visit from one of our favorite writer-thinker-feelers, Leslie Coff. This post first appeared on one of the most honest places on the interwebs – Leslie’s blog