Another TVWriter™ Contest Winner Scores

High-fivin’ like Egyptians, yeah!

TVWriter™ is proud to give this congratulatory shout-out to Ryan Harris, whose teleplays, THE GLADES: A PURPOSE-DRIVEN LIFE and JUSTIFIED: DARKNESS ON THE EDGE OF TOWN came in 1st and 3rd, respectively, in the Action/Drama/Dramedy Division of the 2011 Spec Scriptacular. We’ve just learned that Ryan is a staff writer on NBC’s new drama, CHICAGO FIRE, which debuts tonight, October 10th, at 10 PM (9 PM Central).

Big congrats, Ryan. Take a bow!

Most gratifying for all of us here were these Very Important Words from Ryan:

…The reason I stuck to my guns in this business was in large part because of your mentorship and the great community of like minded souls you gathered together!

Ryan also tells us about another Big Moment that occurred this last spring. He got married!

Big congrats on that one, too, bud! (But not as big as on the CHICAGO FIRE gig because marriage is, you know, Real Life, and by definition not nearly as important in the Scheme of Things as, um, TV.)

Kidding, kidding. (Please, don’t tell LB.)

This has been terrific news, Ryan. We’re as excited for you as we can be!

We're looking forward to your comments!

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