We mean it. You’re working too much, people! And the commuting time, oy! Less than 3 hours of leisure a day? That’s inhumane. Look at these stats:

Credit: Lam Thuy Vo
And what do you do during those less-than-3 hours a day of leisure?

Credit: Lam Thuy Vo
An hour and a half of television watching a day? One drama and one sitcom and then it’s a wrap?!
C’mon, folks, get down on those sofas and veg in front of your favorite LCD. Eat, drink, get bleary-eyed. Laugh and cry.
Even the best writer is nothing without an audience.
A %$#ing hour and a half a day? No wonder NBC is downsizing Leno.
The graphic was difficult to read, but if that information is true, some people are paying an awful lot of money for hundreds of channels if they use it for only 45 hours a month.