NBC Shares What “Normal” Is

**This is a review of the Pilot episode of NBC’s “The New Normal”, which debuts on September 11, 2012. You may screen it online early to decide whether it’s good, great, or not quite “normal” enough for you.**

What is normal?

According to Ryan Murphy and NBC, it’s a world where homosexual couples can have babies just like straight couples.

I think it’s safe to say Mitt Romney won’t be tuning in.

Thanks to their generous – some would call it desperate – offering of allowing the world to view their new comedy, The New Normal, prior to its debut, I can also safely say NBC has a hit on its hands.

You know, if people aren’t as racist as Nana.

And no, that’s not saying all grandmothers in the world are racist, but the one in the show most certainly is. It’s no secret times have changed and this type of open relationship would have been blasphemous some thirty, maybe even ten or twenty years ago. These beliefs are reflected in this character, and it helps to bring a since of “normal” to the show.

Let’s face it. There will always be people who believe that marriage is between a man and a woman, and that only this type of union should be allowed to care for a child’s upbringing. NBC is taking a major chance here, and not just based on the premise of the show, but in the longevity of the show.

A quick recap: Brian and David are a homosexual couple who are at a point in their lives where they’re thinking of having a family. They enlist the services of an agency to help them find a surrogate, and come across Goldie, a mother to a pre-teen that had her when she was fifteen. Feeling like the only thing she has left to live for is her daughter, she agrees to become their surrogate because, like all things in the world, she needs the money.

There are some supporting players, like Goldie’s bigoted Nana and Brian’s African American assistant who presents quite the counter punch when she meets Nana, but of course, the real story lies with surrogacy.

The story plays out well, it’s easy to follow, it’s funny, and it keeps your attention. But once the baby is delivered, where does it go? Why should I watch this if the story really ends after birth?

Without giving away the ending of the Pilot, there’s an emotional moment that lends you to believe there’s a story beyond the surrogacy involving the couple and their surrogate. Is it a great one that lends itself to many comedic moments? Time will tell.

Will you watch? If you’re comfortable enough with it, I recommend you do. Will I be watching? I’ll be lending it my three-episode rule.*

*Which, of course, means if there’s enough intrigue, I’ll watch. If you haven’t sold me by the third, adíos muchacho.*

Author: The_Hudsonian

An aspiring TV Writer. A love for comic books. Huge sports fan. Bleed Orange and Green (Da U!) That's all for now. I'll update when I make more noise in the writing world. Follow me on Twitter @The_Hudsonian for all kinds of brilliant nonsense.

3 thoughts on “NBC Shares What “Normal” Is”

  1. I like your three-episode rule. I’m probably going to be doing the same thing with The New Normal. I thought the pilot was funny and I liked the characters, but the storytelling also seemed a little disjointed. I’m giving it a chance because I want it to work itself out, and since Ryan Murphy is steering this ship, I’m optimistic that it will. I work late nights at Dish, so I won’t get to watch The New Normal or any of my other shows live anymore. Fortunately, my Hopper has more than enough room to record them all for me – 2,000 hours of room, actually. Of all this season’s new shows, I think this one is the one I’m looking forward to the most.

    1. Is this an official example of Dish spam? As in, you work for Dish and you’ve found a way to slyly advise us about the Hopper, its new DVR?

      Ah well, even if this is the case your comment is entertaining. (But if you’re getting paid for making it, TVWriter™ wants a piece of the action, dood!)



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