What’s the 2012-13 TV Season Going to Bring?

…Well, OldMedia, in the form of The Atlantic (didn’t that used to be The Atlantic Monthly?) has these particular concerns:

Fall TV Preview: Questions About ‘Homeland,’ ‘The Office,’ and More – by Kevin Fallon

It’s been a long summer for those of us waiting to find out how the Pritchetts react to Gloria’s pregnancy on Modern Family. Or whether Victoria Grayson survives the plane crash on Revenge. Or whether shock treatments will thwart Carrie’s breakthrough on Homeland. In other words, it’s been a long summer for most of us. As the new fall TV season gets ready to roll out in the coming six weeks (give or take for some shows), fans and critics are gearing up for the premieres of breakout hits (New GirlOnce Upon a Time), returning favorites (The Walking DeadDownton Abbey), and potential new gems (The New NormalThe Mindy Project). Here are some things to look out for to prepare for their long-awaited debuts:

Can a show survive its backlash?

Will genre series continue to excel?

Have audiences had their fill of sarcastic funny ladies?

Can Modern Family survive the baby curse?

Will breakout shows sustain their momentum?

Is it really the “new normal?”

Is there a new Mad Men?…

How will The Office end?

Read it all to see the details of the discussion

Know what’s great about asking these questions? Unlike so many mysteries in life, every single one of them will be answered. All we have to do is wait.

Crap. We suck at waiting. Frizzlefrazzle…

One thought on “What’s the 2012-13 TV Season Going to Bring?”

  1. I personally still use ‘SCRIPTWARE’. It’s the easiest, and since no one reads what I write anyway suits me to a “T”. gs

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