The 1st Full-Length Feature Shot on a Cell Phone Stars Gena Rowlands

…Which is as it should be, considering all she’s done not only in, but for indie film.

Of course, it also stars Mark Zuckerberg’s sister, but that’s true to the tradition of how indies are made. There are certain things that, you know, you have to do:

Olive, The First Full-Length Feature Film Shot 100% on a Cell Phone – by Rusty Blazenhoff

Produced by former Facebook Chief Privacy Officer Chris Kelly and Bay Area businessman Bill O’Keeffe, Olive is the first full-length feature film shot entirely on a cell phone, a Nokia N8 smartphone. The film’s cast includes Gena Rowlands and Randi Zuckerberg (Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’s sister). Released in late 2011, the film is co-directed by Pat Gilles and San Francisco morning show radio personality Hooman Khalili and follows the story of “a little girl that transforms the lives of three people without speaking one word.”

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Which reminds us of a story:

Steven Spielberg [or whoever your fave director is/was] dies and goes to heaven, where he’s met by a joyful St. Peter.

“Dood! Welcome!,” says St. Peter. “It’s great that you’re here. You can do so much more than you could on earth. Your films can be about anything you want, with no worries about budget, time, you-name-it. And we have so many great talents for you to use.”

Spielberg starts smiling. Then St. Pete gets all confidential-like. “There’s just one problem,” he said.

“What’s that?” says Stevie.

“God’s got this girl…”

Hey, we didn’t make this up on our own. It came from…well, for all we know it came from up there. (Right, Zuckerberg’s place.)

One thought on “The 1st Full-Length Feature Shot on a Cell Phone Stars Gena Rowlands”

  1. Call phone video can be very good, but that doesn’t mean they spent no money. They must have also had lighting, a way to plug in the phone because they wouldn’t want to wait to charge it, food for everyone, props, costumes, and from the trailer I guess some special effects. Somebody put some money into this.

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