LB: March TVWriter™ Advanced Workshop has One Opening


Nothing’s certain in this world, not even the number of students who will be taking the TVWriter™ Advanced Workshop that starts March 26th, a week from today.

Which means that regardless of where we end up with the students who’ve already said they’re signing on, I’m looking for 1 more to round out the class, so if you’ve been in one of the 147 (or is it 148?) 4-week sessions we’ve already had over the past 15 years and want to come back, as so many have, or have been thinking about taking it but haven’t fully committed yet, now seems like a good time to ease on in. read article

October TVWriter™ Advanced Workshop Still has Openings!

writersm1Who’d a thunk it? The next TVWriter™ Advanced Online Workshop starts October 2nd, a week from today, and we have three openings left.

If you’re ready to dive in and learn more at each of the four meetings than you ever thought you’d learn in, oh, a whole semester in a normal writing class, then now’s a perfect time to sign on and be amazed by Our Beloved Leader, Larry Brody, the dude behind this site.

Editing/cutting down on wordage is everything to LB, so we’re going to follow his lead. Which means that instead of going into all those details, details, details about what the Workshop is and how it operates, we’re sending you straight to the Advanced Online Workshop Page. read article

The March TVWriter™ Advanced Workshop has 2 Openings

writersm1Yeppers, you heard it here. The next Advanced Online Workshop starts March 19th, a week from today, and we have two openings left.

If you’re ready to dive in and learn more at each of the four meetings than you ever thought you’d learn in, oh, a whole semester in a normal writing class, then now’s a perfect time to sign on and be amazed by Our Beloved Leader, LB – AKA Larry Brody, the dude behind this site.

Editing/cutting down on wordage is everything to LB, so we’re going to follow his lead. Which means that instead of going into all those details, details, details about what the Workshop is and how it operates, we’re sending you straight to the Advanced Online Workshop Page. read article

TVWriter™ Advanced Workshop has a Couple of Openings

writersm1Yeppers, we don’t know how it happened, but the next Advanced Online Workshop starts in less than a week and we still have two openings left.

If you’ve been wanting to take the plunge and workshop your project with LB OBL (that’s Larry Brody Our Beloved Leader), why not get into the fall back-to-school thing and sign up for 4 glorious weeks of writing, writing, writing now?

Check out the Advanced Online Workshop…quick. (Cuz the spaces go fast.) read article

TV Writer University Workshops Want YOU


TVWriter™’ and Larry Brody’s writing classes all over the world have provided foundations for the work of such current Big-Time TV and film writers as

  • Karen McCullah (Legally Blonde, Crazy Kind of Love)
  • Joe Wiseman (Just Shoot Me)
  • Curtis Gwinn (The Walking Dead)
  • Danny Thomsen (Smallville, Once Upon a Time)
  • Troy Devolld (Basketball Wives)
  • More (for reals)

Basic Online Workshop read article