Heartwarming Crowdfunding Success Story


Seriously. We love that this children’s book “written by Lauren (age 11)” has passed its Kickstarter goal of raising $5500 for the publication of her book, The Clown That Lost His Funny.

This is what crowdfunding is for! read article

Peer Production: This Kickstarter TV Series Project Tastes Awfully Good

Oops, we mean smells. No, wait, feels. Um, erm, sounds? Tastes?

Oh well. You be the judge:

In play till November 26, 2012. Click HERE to learn more.

1,641 backers have pledged $178,421 out of the $200,000 the same team that brought us STAR TREK: OF GODS AND MEN needs to make it happen. Why not take a look? read article