by Diana Vaccarelli
A film of mixed genres, BONE TOMAHAWK is simultaneously a western, horror film, and a classic love story. What else would you expect from a production that can best be synopsized as, “This film follows four men as they set out to save loved ones who have been captured by Cannibals?”
The Good:
- The best thing about this film is its writing by S. Craig Zahler, whose screenplay was nominated for the Independent Spirit Best Screenplay award.
- The dialogue is fascinating and clever and, most importantly, gets to the heart of each character, making them some of the most interesting characters I’ve seen in recent film. The best of this fine lot – because acting – is Back Up Deputy Chicory, played brilliantly by Richard Jenkins, who steals the show from veteran star Kurt Russell.
- The film not only has dark elements but also laugh out loud humor.
The Bad: