Just, you know, musing.
For those not quite in the know: Alan Spencer, TVWriter™ and LB buddy, created/wrote/produced both series. You’ve missed your chance at first-run SLEDGEHAMMER, but BULLET IN THE FACE debuts on IFC next month.
And, speaking of BULLET IN THE FACE, Dish Network has dropped IFC and all the AMC networks. Which could be a problem for viewers, humor aficionados like us, BULLET IN THE FACE as a series, and even the godawful rich and successful Alan Spencer.
Big guns and helicopters and bombs and the pretty actors and actresses that support them cost money. Help Alan indulge his expensive habits. Dish subscribers don’t have to take this lying down. Find out what you can do.
And while we’re at it, Dish customers have also just been screwed out of:
Okay, so KENDRA and BRAXTON are no big deal, but the others – c’mon.

I remember Sledgehammer well. I think my cable has IFC, i will find out.