munchman: Who’s Afraid of DOWNTON ABBEY?

…The writer of this article, for one. ‘Cuz, you know, if DOWNTON ABBEY wins one or two or a dozen, that’s one or two or a dozen fewer for good ole Ammurican shows:

Somebody’s Brit Granny but not mine

Emmys 2012: How ‘Downton Abbey’ might affect the drama races
by Rick Porter

When the Emmy nominations are announced on July 19, you’ll probably see quite a few repeat nominees. It’s what the Emmys does, to a large extent, and as discussed previously, it’s unlikely that any new shows not named “Homeland” will get a bucketful of nominations.

There is one returning show, however, that has the potential to shake up several races: “Downton Abbey.” PBS’ British import is moving from the movie/miniseries field to the drama series categories this year, and it wouldn’t be surprising to see the show come close to matching the 11 nominations it received in 2011.

If “Downton” scores a big nomination haul, though, that means other shows and performers might get left out in the cold.

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Do you suppose this guy knows he’s a chickenshit moron? Or does he just think he’s chickenshit? Cuz morons never seem to catch on that the point of this article is absurd because of course the caliber of the competition dictates who or what wins. That’s the %$#@! point.


2 thoughts on “munchman: Who’s Afraid of DOWNTON ABBEY?”

  1. Somebody’s Brit granny that’s not yours better be nominated. She’s one of the highlights of that show. And I guess its okay Homeland gets a bucketful of noms, but if Downton does, its a big deal? Whatever.

  2. I agree with you about Maggie Smith. In fact, I think all the acting on this show is so superb that it makes the often contrived plot twists look good.

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