LB: Sneak Peek at What’s Happening with TVWriter University in August 2015

No, not really TVWriter U. This is Harvard - which some folks think is almost as good.
No, not really TVWriter U. This is Harvard – which some people believe is almost as good.

by Larry Brody

NOTE FROM LB: Just emailed the following to all those on the TVWriter™ eMail list. But the info really is for everybody:


Trying to do some genuine advance planning because that’s the kind of thing I never do, but all the productivity sites keep saying I should.

And with that in mind:


As I write this, the Fundamentals of TV & Film Writing Workshop that’s scheduled to start Tuesday, August 18th, still has 1, count ’em 1, space remaining.

The Fundamentals Workshop consists of 6 weeks of impassioned speeches by moi and various assignments written by vous.

It’s all about TV and film story structure, character development, format, with an emphasis on what “works” and what doesn’t in the eyes of the gatekeepers who so often seem to working overtime to keep new writers out.

What we talk about in this class definitely will give you a leg up on the competition, or my name isn’t, um, wait…oh yeah, LB.


Currently, we’re halfway through the 151st TVWriter.Com Advanced Workshop. That means that the next one will start Wednesday, August 19th of this year.

At this point in the schedule enrollment for the August Workshop is wide open, so if you’re interested in joining, let me know before all 5 spaces (or to put it another way, “the measly 5 spaces”) are taken so you don’t miss out.

The Advanced Workshop is the one where you work on a script in class, uploading 10 or so pages a week for your classmates and me to rake you over the coals about.

No, wait! Kidding! We’re all actually going to read what you write as thoughtfully as we can and then give you insightful ways to make what you’re writing even better.

Whew. Almost gave it away there…


I’m still working on finding just the right calendar spot for the next Master Class, AKA The Class for Pro Level Writers Who Firmly Believe They Don’t Need No Steenkin’ Classes.

If you think you qualify and are ready for me to read your entire script and all its subsequent revisions and give you all the helpful info I can over a 4-Week period, let me know, ASAP.

More info about the Fundamentals Workshop is HERE

More info about the Advanced Workshop is HERE

More info about the Master Class is HERE

Sign up for our eMails HERE

Feel free (within limits, that is) to email me HERE




Author: LB

A legendary figure in the television writing and production world with a career going back to the late ’60s, Larry Brody has written and produced hundreds of hours of American and worldwide television and is a consultant to production companies and networks in the U.S. and abroad . Shows written or produced by Brody have won several awards including - yes, it's true - Emmys, Writers Guild Awards, and the Humanitas Award.

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