by Larry Brody

Fall TV Pilot Preview: NBC’s ‘Animal Practice’
by Diane Gordon
What happens when a vet cares far more for the animals he treats than the humans who own them? That’s the premise of Animal Practice, a new NBC sitcom with Justin Kirk at the center as George Coleman, one of the best vets working but he has no tolerance or empathy for people. When he’s forced to work with his former flame, Dorothy Rutledge (Joanna Garcia Swisher) after she inherits the facility, they butt heads about how best to run the hospital, especially when it comes to treating the pet owners better.
The Hollywood Reporter screened the pilot of Animal Practice and found the workplace comedy surprising and funny. Here’s what you need to know about it.
Is it the brownie I just ate (the one left over from the Kiwanis Club booth at the local 4th of July celebration), or is that clip above really funny?
Oh yeah, the tweet, from Curtis Gwinn, ANIMAL PRACTICE writer-producer and TVWriter™ buddy:
every time you DON’T follow the writers of NBC’s new series Animal Practice, a puppy cries itself to death. don’t fuck up.@AniPractWriters
I’m thinking we should listen to the man. You know, just in case.