…Or, at least, thinks they are:

Molly Ringwald Publishes Story at Five Chapters – by Jason Boog (GalleyCat)
Actress and author Molly Ringwaldis publishing a serialized short story posted at Five Chapters.
“The Harvest Moon” opens her upcoming book, When It Happens to You: A Novel in Stories. The book comes out on August 14th–you can follow Ringwald on Facebook and Twitter if you want more updates. Here are the first few sentences. Follow this link to read the whole story:
As far as Greta knew, there was nothing in the sky that night.
Lying on her back in the bathroom on the cool of the white marble tiles, she heard the summons again. Her husband tapped the horn of the car: one long, noisy beep followed by two shorter taps, as if in apology. She strained to close the zipper on a pair of jeans without pinching the soft flesh of her midsection. It was a task she found both onerous and humiliating, primarily since she had purchased the pair less than a month ago, having gone through the same depressing experience with every other pair that lay folded in her dresser.
A serialized short story?
Nothing personal, but we think Molly should learn a little about editing herself. Tightening, that kind of thing. It’s taking way too long for her to put her pants on, and we’re just not interested in any nude Molly image. Yeah, right, it isn’t Molly, it’s “Greta.” Tell that to the little man who scampers back and forth between our brain and our privies.