Ever Wonder How People Would React to a Hipster Sitcom?

Vulture.Com has the answer:

Hipster Sitcom Destined for Ridicule – by Margaret Lyons (Vulture.Com)

Hipsters! Aren’t they the silliest/worst? Is there anything more fun than an Internet flame war about what does and does not qualify one to be a “hipster”? Indeed, there is nothing more fun. NBC wants a piece of that endless source of joy, which is why the network has bought the pilot currently going by Untitled Hipster Project. Stick with that name! It’s so unfinished and raw and edgy, which is exactly what hipsters like. According to Deadline, the show, from The Daily Show‘s Josh Lieb and comedian Nick Thune, is about an “un-hip” anthropology student who finds himself living among Brooklynites and studying their ways. “Behold the aspiring children’s librarian in her natural habitat, Instagram-ing her artisanal meals,” etc.

In case you wondered why we love Vulture.Com, the above is a good example. We go to the site every morning for a refresher course in How It Should Be Done. Hey, boss, just got an idea. Know those categories we put posts in? Can we create one called “Snark?”

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