“Psst, bud. Wanna buy a DOCTOR WHO script? Huh?”
The DOCTOR WHO contingent of the Twitterverse has been agog for the past few weeks because a dood name of Ian Levine, whose Twitter page describes him as a “Record producer and songwriter specialising in Northern Soul and Motown. Also a lifetime love for Doctor Who” has been tweeting about his collection of original DOCTOR WHO teleplays.
He’s offering them for sale, and the reaction is mixed. Some people want to lynch him for it. Others can’t wait to dig into their pockets even though they’ll have to dig deep. These babies aren’t coming cheap. Here’s a much abridged tweet chronology of the situation:
July 2nd
July 6th
July 9th
July 16th
July 24th
Hmm, guess they aren’t exactly going like hotcakes. Could it be the 250 quid?
Bottom line: If you’re an intense Whovian, some of what Ian has is must-have material. Give him a tweet at @ianLevine. Tell him TVWriter™ sent you. (He won’t have a clue what that means, but what the hell.)
Good luck and let us know if you score (and get him to ship to the U.S.).