by Team TVWriter Press Service
According to Deadline.Com the show is called TABOO and GOSSIP GIRL executive producer Sara Goodman is writing the pilot script based on a story by Zuiker. Which is quite a relief because we can’t imagine the dood behind the dullest group of police procedurals in the history of all media in the universe writing anything remotely resembling an interesting drama of human pathos. Or whatever emotion it is that overwhelms both the characters and the viewers of primetime weepers.
Good for both of them, and for us.

Lawrence, what happened to the daze when writers simply wrote various episodes, and considered themselves lucky if they were replayed over the summer. No, considered themselves proud to have their episodes replayed. I kid you not, my friend, but except for those in this business for the $$$ alone, we take pride in the fact, that when asked what we did for a living, simply reply, “I’m a writer.” gs