“It’s the writing, stupid!”

Today we got word – from our P.R. friends at the BBC – that Jack Lothian is writing an episode of the Good Doctor’s Adventures. Lothian has written for such U.K. shows as SINBAD, BEAVER FALLS, SPOOKS, DOC MARTIN, and the Boss’s personal favorite, ASHES TO ASHES, so you know he’s one of the best.
Inspired by this bit of inspired writing casting, we looked around for info on more DOCTOR WHO writers and found a pretty good rundown by alex on a blog with this also, to us, inspirational name: A Beginners Guide to Free to Air TV.
alex lists:
- Steven Moffat
- Stephen Thompson
- Neil Gaiman
- Matthew Graham
- Mark Gatiss
- Tom MacRae
- Toby Whithouse
- Gareth Roberts
Strangely, the list omits Russell T. Davies. But you can find him on Wikipedia, of course. Along with a gaggle of others, including those from the Good Old Days, AKA the Classic Years, et al. Definitely worth perusing, if only to gawk at the name of one Douglas Adams, no less. (And Richard Curtis. The Richard Curtis.) Go to Wikipedia’s List of Doctor Who Writers and you’ll see what we mean.
We think every show should have at least one site discussing its writers. (And we’d love to be writing on all those sites but, well, just looking up this stuff has wiped us out for the rest of the day.)
Good writing does mean better TV.