We’re Getting Kinda Interested in THE BITCH IN APARTMENT 23

This article has made us decide to give the show a try. (Wow! Yay, PR!)

‘Apartment 23’: More Beek Jeans, Romance for Chloe and 9 More Teasers From the Cast, Creators – by Lesley Goldberg

After a seven-episode first season that found June making out with Chloe’s dad (ew!), Fake James Van Der Beek launching a clothing line (Beek Jeans!) and Chloe literally adopting an teenager to serve as her assistant, the insanity on ABC’s Don’t Trust the B—- in Apartment 23 has only just begun…

The Hollywood Reporter caught up with the cast Thursday at the Television Critics Association’s summer press tour to get the scoop with the showrunners already seven scripts in. Here are 11 spoilers from the cast and creators.

1. Season 2 will consist of 19 episodes — including the six held over from Season 1 that will feature Fake James (aka TV JVDB) as a contestant on Dancing With the Stars. Khan tellsTHR that those episodes will be interspersed throughout the season. “We’re going to try to get it as close to that as we can and do some crossovers,” Khan says of matching up theApartment 23 faux-Dancing with ABC’s actual season finale. (And yes, there’s always the possibility for the network to order additional episodes.)

2. Chloe will meet her match. Producers are currently testing a potential love interest to recur for Ritter’s titular bitch — but there’s a twist. “She’s pulling another scam and halfway through, the guy flips the tables on her and she’s taken aback,” Khan says, noting her dream cast is Ryan Gosling, but if he’s unavailable David Schwimmer would work well. “It’s got to be somebody who can hold their own with Krysten. It’s Chloe meeting her match, the ‘Bastard in 407!’ ” Ritter, meanwhile, has her own stunt casting in mind for the role: “I’d rather see Katie Holmes as a love interest — it’d be amazing and a way to spin the whole Dawson’s Creek reunion on its ear! We’d be the cutest couple, we’re both 5-foot-9!” she enthused.

3. Khan says she’s heard ex-Dawson’s Creek-er Joshua Jackson wants to be on the show — allow us to suggest the Fringe star for Ritter’s rube/love interest!

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Sorry, but we can’t help it. When the creators speak we listen. ‘Cuz they know stuff no one else does.

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