Here they are, the most viewed TVWriter™ posts during the past week:
What Kind of $$$ Do Your Favorite TV Writers Make?
LB: So Here’s Where We are with the 2014 People’s Pilot
Peggy Bechko: Slapping a Title on It
A Real Writer’s Advice on TV Writing, Playwriting & Being Up Close and Personal
Want to See Some Commissioned Professional Pilot Scripts?
And our most viewed resource pages were:
People’s Pilot: Entry Upload Page
The People’s Pilot dominated here at TVWriter™ this week. And why not? Sunday was the last day to enter the interwebs’ predominant pilot contest until next year, and a lot of very smart and talented people took great advantage of that little fact.
In the meantime, thanks to everyone, People’s Pilot entrants or not, for making this such a great week, and don’t forget to read what you missed, re-read what you loved, and, most importantly, come back for more soon!