The CW’s CULT Sounds Pretty Damn Good…

…Let’s  hope it lives up to what is, for TV addicts, a fascinating premise.

TV Pilot Preview: The CW’s ‘Cult’
by Philiana Ng

It won’t launch until midseason, but the CW is edging into darker territory with Cult, from executive producers Josh Schwartz and Stephanie Savage.

The show’s premise is a bit complicated to understand, but long story short, Cult follows a journalist (Matt Davis) and production assistant (Jessica Lucas) on a popular crime series, also called Cult, who investigate a series of disappearances linked to the show — many of them diehard fans who may be recreating crimes committed on the series.

The Hollywood Reporter screened the pilot for the drama and as part of our Fall Preview 2012 offer the five things you need to know about the series before its launch.

Read it all

This article gave us not five, but a solid three things we’re glad we now know:

  1. CULT has a the kind of insider premise that only an insider like Josh Schartz could sell, which – yes – makes us both hate and love him
  2. The CW has a chance here to redeem itself after years of “Jesus-Can-You-Believe-How-Dumb-This-Is?!” disappointing shows
  3. The Hollywood Reporter doesn’t deserve all the bad press sites that run its material as their own keep giving it (you know who you are) because it really does function beautifully as a primary source for Most Things TV

So there ya go.

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