Aaron Sorkin Puffs Up Aaron Sorkin

…but it’s okay because he’s teaching us something, see?

How to Write an Aaron Sorkin Script, by Aaron Sorkin


A song in a musical works best when a character has to sing— when words won’t do the trick anymore. The same idea applies to a long speech in a play or a movie or on television. You want to force the character out of a conversational pattern. In the pilot of The Newsroom, a new series for HBO, TV news anchor Will McAvoy (Jeff Daniels) emotionally checked out years ago, and now he’s sitting on a college panel, hearing the same shouting match between right and left he’s been hearing forever, and the arguments have become noise. A student asks what makes America the world’s greatest country, and Will dodges the question with glib answers. But the moderator keeps needling him until…snap.

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Anyone See Katy Perry on THE GRAHAM NORTON SHOW?


We here at TVWriter™ have never experienced the likes of Ms. Perry on a chat show before. Always wondered about her success, and now we know.

Because now we’ve been treated to a glimpse of the humongous, in-your-face, out-there, totally overwhelming – wait for it – AMBITION that’s made her a star. Girlfriend makes Madonna look chill. She’ll cut ya, for sure.

Not Katy – Zooey

OTOH, The Perryblossom does show how lucky we are that Zooey Deschanel is nowhere near as perky as her frantic fans have described her. Because then Zooey would’ve been the manatee mugging/shoving/interrupting on the Nortmeister’s couch instead. read article


by Larry Brody

The Good:

  • Well written, also well-produced and well-directed
  • Well acted, especially by Bailey Chase and Katee Sackhoff
  • Nice looking blonde deputy of the female variety
  • It’s set in a locale we don’t see very often – Wyoming

The Not-So-Good: read article