TVWriter™ Talks to WALKING DEAD Writer-Producer Curtis Gwinn Part 2

curtisgwinnagainYesterday we published the first part of TVWriter™ minion Justin Cloyd’s interview with THE WALKING DEAD’s (and our favorite Midnight Swim series of all time, NTSF:SD:SUV’s) Curtis Gwinn.

Time now for Part the Second:

In the 2012 People’s Pilot you entered a script called The Last Stone, categorized as an Action/Dramedy. Around that same time you were working on NTSF:SD:SUV::. Was it difficult transitioning from working on something as unhinged and non-dramatic as NTSF to something, if only a tiny bit, more somber? read article

TVWriter™ Talks to WALKING DEAD Writer-Producer Curtis Gwinn

Curtis-Gwinn30-something “child” that he is, Curtis Gwinn has an IMDB page that many of us would, um, kill for. He writes and produces both comedy and drama and has extensive experience with broadcast, cable, and interweb TV. He even acts too, but we forgive him.

Oh, right, he’s also an alumnus of TVWriter™ ‘s Online Workshop and a former People’s Pilot Contest competitor. We forgive him for that as well. (But will he forgive us?)

Curtis’s biggies include THE WALKING DEAD, where he is Supervising Producer, NTSF:SD:SUV, ANIMAL PRACTICE (aka “The Monkey Show”), THE ONION NEWS NETWORK, and THE MAN SHOW. read article