Self-publishing was way easier than I thought it would be

Self-publishing is cool. Or so almost everyone says. TVWriter™ is all gung-ho about it too. Here’s some helpful info to help all of us write/publish in 2014, courtesy of A Guy What Noze:

howtowriteanovelby Nathan Bransford

It’s been about a month and a half since I self-published How to Write a Novel: 47 Rules for Writing a Stupendously Awesome Novel That You Will Love ForeverBoth the e-book and print editions are out, the reviews are coming in, and so far I’ve sold more than 1,500 copies. In the past month the rate of sale has picked up every week, which is really exciting to see.

Here’s the most stupidly surprising thing I learned about self-publishing: It’s really, really easy. read article