Lionsgate CEO Says EPIX Plans To Add Scripted Original Shows

We love Lionsgate’s CEO even if he doesn’t take our BLLB (Beloved Leader Larry B)’s calls…and hasn’t for about 25 years, come to think about it. Yikes!

The following tells why we feel as we do. No, it isn’t rebellion against the BLLB it’s the fact that the more success Lionsgate has, the more job opportunities there are for writers like us. Gigs, baby, gigs! Yay team!

by David Lieberman

Jon-Feltheimer__121015230627-200x187The premium video service is performing well financially and is “going to start looking at original series,” Lionsgate CEO Jon Feltheimer told analysts this morning. Co-owned by his company, Viacom, and MGM, “we’re capable of creating some cool original content.” read article