Why We Love Pop Culture

by TeamTVWriter Press Service

Artists of all types and imagination are, of course, synonymous. But the wonderfullest thing about being creative is the way artists can fire up the minds of their audience. These costumes from Comic-Con and elsewhere illustrate, without a doubt, how much TV, film, and comics mean to so very many people:


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“Galactus is NIGH”


Believe it or not, Galactus is NIGH is a Facebook page. Avowed mission: “our mission is to take as many pictures as we can with Cosplayers.” And they’re doing pretty well. The page opened July 12th, and as of this writing it’s gotten almost 300 pics.

We’re curious about the origins of this particular apocalypse. And whether LB’s SILVER SURFER animated series had anything to do with it. We probably should interview those involved. But that would take some, you know, effort. And, just between us, we’re, well, urm, we’re not journalists. (Fooled you, right?)

So if anyone knows anything about this, comment and let us in on it, okay? read article

Matt Smith’s Malcolm McDowell Cosplay

Hey, c’mon, doesn’t he look like McDowell in A CLOCKWORK ORANGE? Huh? Huh?

Matt Smith as Malcolm McDowell

Uh-oh, this doesn’t mean Matt’s gonna grow up and play evil alte cockers all the time, does it?

Not Matt Smith Malcolm McDowell

And here’s what Matt was all dressed up for – the 2012 Comic-Con DOCTOR WHO Question & Answer: read article

Robert Downey Jr. Enjoys Comic-Con

A drug counselor friend of ours says that addicts  “lose” all the years in which they’re addicted. Get too attached to your drug of choice at, say 8, and if/when you ever get out of a successful rehab (say at 42), your emotional age will still be 8.  Which isn’t necessarily a negative…especially if you’re an actor: