Word around L.A. is that Entertainment One is teaming with Nu Image Prods to bring a series based on Sly Stallone’s various Rambo films to TV.
Originally, the story was that Stallone would be involved in the project creatively as well as playing Rambo, but news over the weekend is that he’s no longer considering playing the part.
That, of course, leaves the possibility of the Slyman being creative very much in the mix. And, yeppers, we’d love to see it cuz let’s face it – ain’t nobody ever seen this dude be “creative” before. (ROCKY doesn’t count. It’s the most overrated film of the ’70s. Work out. Slur some words. Work out. Kiss. Work out. Talk. Punch. Punch. Punchpunchpunchpunch… If that’s creativity, then Michael Bay is a filmic genus.)
Bottom line: Rambo may be coming to our TV sets. If you’re the praying kind, now’s the time to tell the Big Man Upstairs about your distress.
Oh God, brought to our knees by Stallone. Again!